2022-2025 Strategic Plan

The 3 year strategic plan guides Black Connect, Inc.’s operations and initiatives to ensure the continued growth of Black Connect throughout Black communities across the United States

See our progress

Strategic Plan Initiatives


Quality Growth

  • Support local chapters to recruit officers and members

    Grow Black Connect’s footprint through a multifaceted expansion strategy while sustaining it by measuring and improving upon both individual member and chapter experiences

    Create a membership experience that includes access to resources, personal and professional development, and the opportunity to build a network

Small Business/Entrepreneur Development

  • Leverage all available resources to positively contribute to the development of Black start-ups and small businesses

    Enrich Black Connect’s programs, tools, and services to reach more businesses and produce a greater impact

    Integrate Black Connect’s vision and mission into our technology platform, Blackconnect.com, to increase engagement and provide additional tools and resources for members.

Chapter Development

  • Support chapters in achieving operational excellence through effective communication, officer resources, and ongoing training

  • Improve chapters’ ability to effectively self-govern through emphasis on individual accountability

Intern & Volunteer Engagement

  • Cultivate, recruit, and develop college interns and volunteers to support the mission of the organization

  • Strengthen strategic communication with colleges and universities to increase awareness and support of Black Connect and chapter initiatives

Asset Development

  • Increase capital & operational resources while ensuring the financial viability of the organization

  • Invest in recruitment, training, and education for the professional staff

Community & Corporate Relations

  • Strengthen Black Connect’s relationships with communities and corporations

  • Support corporations’ strategic diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives through sustained meaningful engagement where purpose and objectives are aligned.

  • Encourage meaningful engagement in the organization’s programs, events, and initiatives

  • Strengthen communication opportunities and engagement points with communities and corporations

  • Expand the services to corporate and non-profit members of Black Connect to the benefit of the larger community


For more information contact info@blackconnect.org